Academic impact of the Epidemiology Master's Degree program developed in El Salvador
professional development, public health, medical education, epidemiologyAbstract
Introduction: Graduate education programs are very much demanded in the public health sector. Evaluation of their impact makes it possible to determine whether a program has the desired effect on its graduates, institutions or organizations.
Objective: Evaluate the academic impact of the Epidemiology Master's Degree program developed in El Salvador on the basis of the self-assessment issued by students participating in its 34th edition, corresponding to the academic year 2017-2018.
Methods: An evaluative study was conducted with the 35 graduates from the 34th edition of the program. The study was based on a questionnaire sent by email, and included a postintervention measurement carried out from June to November 2019. Estimation was made of Cronbach's alpha, position index and Likert's scale.
Results: 77.1% of the graduates from this edition answered the questionnaire. In general terms, the first level about personal satisfaction tended to much or very well. Total overall position index on the levels about learning and professional performance tended to very well. The overall position index estimated was 0.92. Self-assessment of students participating in the blended learning program was very well.
Conclusions: The academic impact of the program evaluated is high from the perspective of graduates from the 34th edition. The tool used in the study proved to be useful to evaluate other master's degree programs and graduate education processes, with a view to their permanent improvement.
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