Lymphodenitis by Mycobacterium in immunocompetent and living with HIV/AIDS patients



Mycobacterium tuberculosis, extrapulmonary tuberculosis, lymphadenopathy, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)


Introduction: The coinfection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis has altered its histological presentation; this is particularly frequent in lymphadenitis.

Objective: To carry out the etiological characterization of lymphadenopathies produced by the genus Mycobacterium, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis of this disease to avoid dissemination of the infection, both in immunocompetent and immunodeficient patients, specifically HIV / AIDS.

Methods: A descriptive-prospective study was carried out between January 2017 – January 2019. During this period, 5640 samples were received, of these 81 obtained from lymph node tissue, the sample collection was mostly surgical 74 (91.35%) and 7 (8.64%) by aspiration biopsy (BAAF). Of the total samples, 60 (74.07%) were from HIV / AIDS patients, the samples were decontaminated by the 4% sulfuric acid method and cultured in solid Löwenstein-Jensen medium and incubated at 370C, the readings were made weekly. For the identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the commercial SD TB AgMPT64 immunochromatographic rapid test was performed.

Results: Of 81 samples analyzed, 22 (27.16%) isolates were obtained, 16 (72.72%) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), and 6 (27.27%) of non-tuberculous species, of these 18 (81.81%) were from HIV / AIDS patients.

Conclusion: For all the above, diagnostic surveillance is important in this type of extrapulmonary infection, both for M tuberculosis and for other non-tuberculous species and to be able to start specific treatment early, avoiding the spread of the infection, since it can have fatal consequences on all in patients with some type of immunosuppression, such as HIV/AIDS. If a patient maintains a prolonged fever, with lymphadenopathy, without respiratory symptoms and does not respond to antibiotic treatment, it is necessary to consider this type of infection.


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Author Biography

Lilian María Mederos Cuervo, Instituto de Medicina Tropical ¨Pedro Kourí¨(IPK)

Licenciada en Microbiología, Profesor e Investigador Auxiliar, Master en Bacteriología-Micología, desde 1978 labora en el Laboratorio Nacional de Referencia e Investigaciones de Tuberculosis/Lepra/Micobacterias, Centro Colaborador OPS-OMS.



How to Cite

Mederos Cuervo LM, Sardiñas Aragón M, García León G, Martínez Romero MR, Díaz Rodríguez R. Lymphodenitis by Mycobacterium in immunocompetent and living with HIV/AIDS patients. Rev Cuba Med Tropical [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];74(2). Available from:



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