First report in Cuba of Anisakis spp. in samples of canned fish
nematode, Anisakis spp., morphology, larvae, anisakiosisAbstract
Introduction: Anisakis species represent one of the most important foodborne pathogenic parasitic groups in relation to their zoonotic capabilities, and can produce an emerging disease called anisakiosis. In Cuba, there are no reports of the disease and there are no publications on the detection of the parasite in samples of fishery products.
Objective: To identify Anisakis spp. larvae in samples of fishery products.
Methods: A study was conducted to search for Anisakis spp. larvae in samples of canned fish products received at the Laboratory of Food Parasitology of the National Institute of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology of Cuba. Ninety-six samples of two different brands were received. Each brand was assigned letter A or B to protect the identity of the manufacturer. The larvae recovered were previously rinsed with lactophenol and identified morphologically by microscopy. The identification keys for Anisakis spp. larvae described in the literature were used.
Results: 38.5% of the total canned fish samples analyzed were parasitized with Anisakis spp. larvae, with a mean frequency of 1.2 larvae per subsample. The larvae were classified as third instar and type I.
Conclusions: For the first time in Cuba, Anisakis spp. larvae were identified in canned fish samples and provided data of interest to health authorities to strengthen public policies related to food quality and safety.
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