Entomological surveillance of the Pedro Kourí Institute of Tropical Medicine in educational collaboration on the Isle of Youth, Cuba, 1980-1990
solidarity, vector diseases, entomological surveillance, Cuba.Abstract
The history of solidarity and collaboration of our people in the educational field is a fundamental part of Cuba's foreign policy based on principles and ethics that have characterized our country since 1959. The non-imposition of a particular model on the countries receiving this collaboration was evidenced by the introduction of study programs for thousands of foreign students, the vast majority of them African. Dozen African countries had one or more secondary, technical or educational institutes on this island where they completed all their secondary and university education. This paper summarizes the main results of the research carried out by the then entomology laboratory, today the Ecology Laboratory of the Vector Control Department of the Pedro Kourí Institute (IPK) as part of the entomological surveillance implemented in this crucial context of collaboration provided by Cuba in the educational sphere. These studies were of great relevance because the institution provided a response to the country's public health ministry, updating knowledge about the mosquito fauna of this island. The main result of these investigations carried out on the Isla de la Juventud was the non-occurrence of outbreaks of vector-borne diseases neither in the Cuban population nor within educational centers
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