Dengue in Barbosa (Santander, Colombia): knowledge, attitudes, and practices in the community
dengue, knowledge, attitudes and practice in health, Aedes, Colombia.Abstract
Introduction: Dengue is considered a public health problem with endemic-epidemic behavior in Colombia; therefore, epidemiological surveillance programs are aimed at its prevention and control.
Objective: To evaluate the understanding and behavior of the population from the municipality of Barbosa (Santander, Colombia) on dengue virus and its vector through a knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) survey.
Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted which included 93 residents of the municipality of Barbosa, selected based on non-probabilistic and convenience sampling A validated KAP instrument was used. The information was systematized and analyzed in SPSS v. 26.0. The information was systematized and analyzed in SPSS v. 26.0.
Results: Among the respondents, 78.5% showed deficient knowledge with a score below 70 points. Negative attitudes were found in 73.1% of the residents with a score equal to or lower than 24 points. Best practices were reported by 67.7% of the population, with a score greater than or equal to 14 points. It is evident that at younger ages, unfavorable attitudes towards dengue infection are higher (OR 2.67 CI 95% 1.03-7.1).
Conclusions: Educating the population more effectively about basic knowledge of dengue remains a necessary strategy, in addition to raising awareness that household practices should be carried out to eliminate the vector and not only as a cleaning mechanism. Different communicative strategies should be implemented to educate citizens in this regard.
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