Clinical-epidemiological characteristics of pediatric patients under one-year-old diagnosed with COVID-19



coronavirus infections, pediatric patients, diagnosis, risk factors.


Introduction: Pediatric patients under one year of age can become ill with COVID-19; however, they have less risk of getting worse than adults.

Objective: To characterize pediatric patients under one year of age diagnosed with COVID-19 from a clinical-epidemiological-epidemiological point of view.

Methods: An observational descriptive study was conducted at the Pediatric Hospital of Camagüey from January to December 2021. The study sample and universe included 700 pediatric patients that met the selection criteria. The variables studied were age group and gender, municipality of residence, month of diagnosis, main symptoms, and the time elapsed from symptom onset to diagnosis. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 24.0 on a Pentium V computer. The research was approved by the Scientific Council, considering the Helsinki Declaration.

Results: There was a prevalence of children aged between 7 and 9 months (28.9%), predominantly male (53.7%), from Camagüey municipality (42.2%), while Esmeralda municipality showed the highest incidence (15.0%). The highest number of cases was diagnosed in August (30.1%). Rhinorrhea (44.3%) and fever (32.3%) were the main symptoms. In 85.4% of cases, patients were diagnosed within 48 hours of symptom onset.

Conclusions: COVID-19 in children under one-year-old mainly affected male aged between seven and nine months, who presented few and mild clinical symptoms, with timely diagnosis and no fatalities.


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Author Biographies

Rolando Rodríguez Puga, Hospital Pediátrico Docente Provincial Dr. Eduardo Agramonte Piña de Camagüey.

Doctor en Medicina. Especialista de Primer y Segundo Grado en Higiene y Epidemiología. Máster en Atención Integral al Paciente Oncológico. Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación. Profesor Asistente. Investigador Agregado.

Yasnier Dueñas Rodríguez, Policlínico Docente Universitario Área Este de Camagüey.

Doctor en Medicina. Especialista de primer grado en Medicina General Integral. Profesor instructor.

Yoánderson Pérez Díaz, Hospital Pediátrico Docente Provincial "Dr. Eduardo Agramonte Piña" de Camagüey.

Doctor en Medicina. Especialista de primer grado en Medicina General Integral y en Higiene y Epidemiología. Profesor asistente e investigador agregado.

Roberto Danilo MacDonald Ruano, Clínica Estomatológica Docente Provincial "Ismael Clark" de Camagüey.

Doctor en Estomatología. Especialista de primer grado en Estomatología General Integral. Profesor instructor.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Puga R, Dueñas Rodríguez Y, Pérez Díaz Y, MacDonald Ruano RD. Clinical-epidemiological characteristics of pediatric patients under one-year-old diagnosed with COVID-19. Rev Cuba Med Tropical [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];76. Available from:



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