Knowledge, attitudes, and practices about dengue, in school population of a municipality in northern Colombia



knowledge, attitudes, practices, dengue, schools.


Introduction: Dengue is a re-emerging disease in Colombia, which has a great impact on public health.

Objective: The objective of the present study was to identify knowledge, attitudes, and practices about dengue in schoolchildren from two public education institutions in the municipality of Malambo in the department of Atlántico, Colombia.

Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study. A questionnaire that included demographic variables and the dimensions of knowledge, attitudes and practices was applied to students from the institutions under study. The information was tabulated in Excel and analyzed in SPSS version 19 software.

Results: 581 students were included; 50.8% were men and the remaining 49.2% were women, with an average age of 14.7 (± 1.9) years. 94.5 of the participants know or have heard about dengue; however, 63.2% identify that it is caused by a virus. 94% of students know that dengue is transmitted by infected mosquitoes. 57.7% consider that they are not at risk of getting sick from dengue, 42.2% consider that the eradication of breeding sites is the sole responsibility of public health authorities and 56.6% consider that it plays an important role in transmission. of dengue in their environment. Good practices were found in eliminating and covering deposits, as well as house cleaning; however, the use of fish, awnings and appropriate clothing should be improved to avoid mosquito bites.

Conclusion: Good knowledge about dengue was found; however, attitudes and some practices must be improved for its prevention and control.


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How to Cite

Sanchez-Bolivar M, Girón-Domínguez K, Navas-Villareal N, Montaño-Ayala MA, Gómez-Castillo KP, Dávila-Amaris LA, et al. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices about dengue, in school population of a municipality in northern Colombia. Rev Cuba Med Tropical [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];76. Available from:



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