Antibacterial effect of Salvia macrophylla (salvia) essential oil against clinical isolates of Streptococcus mutans



essential oils, dental caries, streptococcus mutans, salvia.


Introduction: Human dental caries is an infectious, chronic, transmissible disease of multifactorial origin, being Streptococcus mutans the main etiological agent of this disease. Salvia macrophylla is a plant native of Peru, popularly known as "salvia", and of which there are no known reports of antimicrobial activity that allow establishing its efficacy and usefulness against cariogenic bacteria.

Objective: Determinate the effect of S. macrophylla (salvia) essential oil on clinical isolates of S. mutans.

Methods: The study was experimental in vitro, with three test groups and a control group. The essential oil of salvia was obtained by the method of distillation by steam drag, which was diluted with ethanol at 96% to 50% and 25%. Clinical samples were obtained from patients with dental caries. Subsequently, using the disc diffusion method, the inhibitory effect of the pure essential oil and of the two dilutions obtained on all the isolates was evaluated, 0.12% chlorhexidine was used as a positive control. The measured inhibition zones were compared with the values of the Duraffourd scale.

Results: Seventeen isolates of S. mutans were obtained. 100% pure salvia essential oil had an inhibitory effect on all clinical isolates tested, observing inhibitory halos with a mean diameter of 9.46 mm which, according to the Duraffourd scale, demonstrates the in vitro sensitivity of these bacteria.

Conclusion: 100% pure salvia essential oil shows a remarkable in vitro inhibitory effect on clinical isolates of S. mutans.


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How to Cite

Vigo Lezma MC, Rodríguez Ulloa CC, Bardales Valdivia JN, Rivera Jacinto MA. Antibacterial effect of Salvia macrophylla (salvia) essential oil against clinical isolates of Streptococcus mutans. Rev Cuba Med Tropical [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];76. Available from:



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