Imported malaria in Camagüey, Cuba, 1986 – 2018: risk factors related to severity
Complicated and uncomplicated imported malaria, Camagüey, risk factors.Abstract
Introduction: Malaria is the most important parasitic disease that affects humans in various countries around the world and imported cases are reported in Cuba every year. This research analyzes the behavior of malaria in Camagüey during 32 years (1986-2018).
Method: A hybrid design included a retrospective descriptive observational study and another nested cross-sectional study. All patients were grouped into the categories: collaborators (they worked in an endemic area under health control of the Cuban state), non-collaborators (travelers for personal reasons or resident foreigners) and clinically: complicated and uncomplicated cases.
Results: Of 233 patients, collaborators predominated in 82.40% (192/233), in the 1986-1992 stage significantly (p < 0.05) 89.58% (172/192). Coming from Africa, infected by P. falciparum 58.68% (125/213) and from the Americas and infected by P. vivax 65% (13/20). Since 2000, an increase in non-cooperative patients was observed, 60.97% (25/41). Those over 58 years of age 4/233 (1.71%) suffered complications. Complications were related to: not receiving timely treatment PR=7.36 (95% confidence interval (CI: 2.37-22.81), stay < 2 years in an endemic area PR= 4.57 (CI: 2 .17-9.60), suffering ≤ 2 malaria episodes PR=4.26 (CI: 1.97-9.23), not using chemoprophylaxis PR=11.66 (CI: 6.19-21.96), presence of bacterial coinfection PR = 84.10 (CI:11.24-629.10), arterial hypertension PR = 13.59 (CI:1.67-110.58) and other comorbidities (PR = 23.50 (CI :3.01-183.04).
Conclusions: the identification of risk factors related to the severity of imported malaria in Camagüey allowed alerting the health system to strengthen epidemiological surveillance and minimize the possible reintroduction of this parasitosis in the province.
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