Half a century after the eradication of malaria in Cuba, the role of the National Reference Laboratory in maintaining that achievement
malaria, erradication, reference laboratory.Abstract
Introduction: Malaria continues to be one of the most important infectious diseases worldwide. In Cuba, it was possible to interrupt its transmission since 1967, later, the country was officially registered by the World Health Organization as an area of malaria eradicated since November 1973. The objective of this paper is to present a general overview how it arose and what has been the activity of the National Malaria Reference Laboratory (LNRM) in Cuba up to the present day.
Methods: Notes on the history of malaria in Cuba were made, the fundamental data were obtained from archive sheets of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, from the medical records of malaria patients hospitalized at the Pedro Kouri Institute of Tropical Medicine, from the books of work of the LNRM and related scientific publications.
Results: The LNRM was founded in 1986, since its inception it was located in the Department of Parasitology of the IPK. In addition, the national network of malaria laboratories was established, which has allowed an integrated work of all the country's laboratories, including the training of human resources.
Conclusions: The LNRM has played an important role within the epidemiological surveillance system to prevent the reintroduction of malaria in Cuba, supporting activities related to the prevention, control and surveillance of malaria itself, which is of special interest in the Cuban health system.
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