Extract hydro-ethanolic of Thunbergia alata (Lamiales, Acanthaceae) as an alternative for the larval control of Aedes aegypti (Diptera, Culicidae)
arbovirus, invasive plants, biologic control.Abstract
Introduction: Aedes aegypti is the main vector of diseases such as dengue, Zika and chikungunya, which represent a serious public health problem in Asian and Latin American countries. Despite the various efforts made to control the vector, in recent decades Ae. aegypti has expanded its geographical distribution, causing continuous epidemics, so it is necessary to develop new control measures that help mitigate this problem.
Objective: To evaluate, under controlled laboratory conditions, the larvicidal activity of plant hydro-ethanolic extract of T. alata in the control of Ae. aegypti.
Methods: Using the percolation technique, the extraction of flowers from the plant was carried out. Subsequently, following the guide to evaluate larvicides proposed by the World Health Organization, different concentrations of crude extracts of T. alata were evaluated on third and fourth instar larvae of Ae. aegypti.
Results: It was observed that the crude extracts of T. alata had a lethal effect on Ae. aegypti. It was observed that the hydro-ethanolic extract of flowers, in a 50etOH:50H2O ratio, generated LC50, 90 and 99 of 8.35, 12.43 and 18.18%, respectively.
Conclusion: The flower extract of T. alata in a ratio of 50etOH:50H2O shows notable activity against Ae vector larvae Ae. aegypti.
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