Peruvian plants of traditional use as potential sources of molecules with activity against COVID-19

Guillermo E. Delgado Paredes, Paolo R. Delgado Rojas, Consuelo Rojas Idrogo

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Introduction: The current situation of COVID-19 is a big issue for the human population. At present, no healing drug is available in the market. Researchers are doing their best to produce drugs to fight the disease. Various efforts are being considered based on different directions of scientific knowledge and technologies for the treatment of the disease. Unfortunately, none of these drugs works absolutely against the pandemic. Therefore, bioactive molecules from plants, animals and microorganisms could be a better option to treat COVID-19.

Objective: Review the literature about species of the flora of Peru used for the treatment of respiratory diseases and highlight the plants with potential in the production of secondary metabolites and plant lectins as an alternative against COVID-19.

Methods: A review was conducted of scientific articles related to the use of traditional medicine in Peru, China, and India for the treatment of respiratory diseases, as well as information about plant lectins and secondary metabolites potentially useful against COVID-19.

Results: A long list is presented of genera and species of the flora of Peru with great potential against COVID-19. Most of these species belong to the Asteraceae, Loranthaceae, Piperaceae, Viscaceae and Zingiberaceae families. Numerous species are endemic to Peru.

Conclusions: The flora of Peru has more than 22 000 plant species. Many of these species are traditionally used in the treatment of respiratory diseases and are potentially useful for the treatment of COVID-19.

Palabras clave

flora of Peru; plant lectins; respiratory diseases; SARS-CoV-2; secondary metabolites

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Copyright (c) 2022 Guillermo Eduardo Delgado Paredes, Paolo Delgado Rojas, Consuelo Rojas Idrogo

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