Evaluation of seven SARS-CoV-2 rapid IgM/IgG tests


Palabras clave:

COVID‐19, lateral flow immunoassay, point‐of‐care testing, rapid IgM/IgG, SARS-CoV-2


Introduction: In late 2019, a new coronavirus was detected in China causing an acute respiratory illness known as COVID-2019.

Objective. Evaluate seven commercial systems for the rapid detection of antibodies to determine their sensitivity, specificity and robustness in our conditions to be used by the National Health System.

Methods: Seven systems were evaluated for the detection of IgM/IgG antibodies. Evaluation panel with samples from negative individuals, sera from other pathologies prior to the pandemic and from positive patients with the disease were conformed.

Results: General sensitivity figures range between 25 and 88%, with the Realy Tech and Deep Blue systems showied the best results. The specificity for both was 100%. The IgM positive rate according to Realy Tech or Deep Blue increased to 94.1 or 81.8% in the late stage of the disease.

Conclusions: Realy Tech and Deep Blue systems detected IgM/IgG in serum and in whole blood with adequate sensitivity and specificity. Cross-reactivity does not seem to be a problem. Serology in the case of COVID-19 cannot be used as a diagnostic but it allows epidemiological surveillance to know the immune status of populations. It’s essential to analyze the immune response against the infection to carry out epidemiological characterization and potentially inform individual risk of future disease and the study of potential vaccines.


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Biografía del autor/a

José Luis Pelegrino Martínez de la Cotera, Instituto de Medicina tropical Pedro Kourí

Profesor e Investigador Auxiliar Departamento Ciencia e Innovación Vicepresidente Consejo Científico IPK

Licel de los Ángeles Rodriguez Lay, Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí (IPK), La Habana

DrC. Jefa del laboratorio de Hepatitis virales

Investigador y Profesor Titular

Yahisel Tejero Suárez, Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí (IPK), La Habana

Licenciada en tecnología de la Salud. Departamento de Virología

Odalys Valdés Ramírez, Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí (IPK), La Habana

DraC. Jefa de Laboratorio de Infecciones Respiratorias Virales.

Profesora e Investigadora Titular

Sonia Resik Aguirre, Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí (IPK), La Habana

DraC. Jefa departamento Virología

Investigadora y Profesora Titular

Odalys Calderón Fuentes, Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí (IPK), La Habana

Licenciada en Tecnología de la Salud. Laboratorio Clínico. Centro Hospitalario

Yaumara Ugarte Pérez, Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí (IPK), La Habana

Licenciada en Tecnología de la Salud. Laboratorio Clínico. Centro Hospitalario

Juan Carlos de León González, Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí (IPK), La Habana

Técnico en Tecnología de la Salud. Laboratorio Clínico. Centro Hospitalario

Darling Danay Morales Verdecia, Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí (IPK), La Habana

Medico especialista en Microbiología

Departamento Virología

María Guadalupe Guzmán Tirado, Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí (IPK), La Habana

Jefa del Centro de Investigaciones, diagnóstico y Referencia.

Profesora e investigadora Titular



Cómo citar

Pelegrino Martínez de la Cotera JL, Rodriguez Lay L de los Ángeles, Tejero Suárez Y, Valdés Ramírez O, Resik Aguirre S, Calderón Fuentes O, et al. Evaluation of seven SARS-CoV-2 rapid IgM/IgG tests. Rev Cuba Med Tropical [Internet]. 20 de enero de 2022 [citado 13 de marzo de 2025];73(3). Disponible en: https://revmedtropical.sld.cu/index.php/medtropical/article/view/656



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